One characteristic that defines most Canadians is hope. Canada is a society founded on the promise of a better life achieved through hard work and integrity. This dream and these principles attract people from all over the world to Canada, who in turn, contribute so much to what makes our country great. If you were to ask Canadians to identify the key to a better life, most would point to home ownership. Indeed, nearly 70 per cent of Canadian households owned their dwelling at the time of the 2006 Census, representing the highest rate of homeownership since 1971.
The reason for our love of housing is simple: real estate is not only an excellent long-term investment; it’s the only one in which you can live as it grows
Spring starts NOW!…and if you’re thinking about selling…let me show you how!
The EQUITY in your HOME is like any other Investment – it needs to be monitored. Homeowners should have their EQUITY evaluated once a year. Now might be the perfect time…And it is FREE, WITH NO OBLIGATION! Just fill out an easy to use “FORM”…and let’s get started!
Remember, I am only a phone call or email away to answer any of your questions and to help you start planning for any of your real estate needs. Feel free to contact me at 416 275-5980 or email me at www.tonyazzopardihomes.com. you can also visit my website at Feels Right at Home